Today, I decided to have a giveaway.
Because I finished my second triathlon on Saturday.
Also, because last night I made vegan zucchini muffins (thanks Sarah!) with the zucchini that my Grandma gave me when I saw her on Sunday.
And while the zucchini muffins were baking, I was boiling the red skin potatoes that my dad dug up for me from his garden, also on Sunday.
And while the red skin potatoes were cooking, I was dunking My Gazelle’s pork chops in a pasty mixture of flour and coconut milk, then dredging them in corn flakes.
(No, there is no hidden meaning in that “pork chop” reference…although it sounds like fun.)
And then I whipped up some biscuits.
And green beans.
And then, as I washed the dishes in my bathtub, I cried salty tears of kitchen remodeling projects gone awry.
(Actually, that’s a lie. My Gazelle washed the dishes in our bathtub. He’s not much of a crier, but I cried for him).
I got no freakin’ kitchen, man!

OK, that’s a lie too. I sort of have a kitchen. But, is it really a kitchen if there is no running water? I feel like that’s some sort of building code or something.
I have to admit that this is actually a pretty sweet mixing station, despite the hole(s) in the wall(s). And even though the “countertop” is a little ‘teeter-y’.
I have this untenable need to cook and bake, especially in times of stress and anxiety. Cooking and baking are great stress relievers for me. My lack of a proper kitchen has equated to a huge bout of stress and anxiety in my life. Huge. So, I’m stressed out about not having a kitchen, which makes me want to use the kitchen. I use the kitchen, then get stressed out because I essentially have no kitchen. It’s like a viscous cycle that I can’t escape.

I’m sure you can understand my need to self-medicate this morning. Several weeks ago, I instituted “Starbucks Wednesdays” in my department. What began as a way for me to justify my addiction to Starbucks Venti Sugar Free Vanilla Iced Coffee, turned out to be a great way to liven up Hump Day.
There are 4 other employees in my department, and they love “Starbucks Wednesdays”. When your girl walks in the office holding a tray full of grande Frapp and latte goodness, my girls yell “YAY, STARBUCKS WEDNESDAYS!”
Trust me, making them smile makes me smile too.
I recommend doing this with your employees. Everyone loves Starbucks, and even people who don’t drink coffee can still partake in a Frappuccino, iced tea, iced chai, or some sort of fruity drink. There are tons of choices.
And, because I need to feel loved right now, I’m buying your love with a giveaway.

The Details:
(1) $25 Starbucks gift card
(1) Lucky winner, US residents only
How to enter — (1) entry for each:
(1) Comment
(1) Tweet: @joggerslife is giving away a $25 @Starbucks gift card! I wanna win, so don’t enter!
(1) Mention on your blog
(1) Week to comment, tweet, and blog about it!
Contest ends Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 12Noon
SO, get busy!
*p.s…Starbucks has no idea who I am, and they have not provided me with a gift card for this giveaway. I’m buying this gift card for you because I like to enable people so that I can justify my own addiction. Your welcome.