…because my allergies have thrown me into a full-on coughing fit.
…because my allergies have also caused my left eye to swell to epic proportions.
…because the run I planned for Saturday never happened.
…because the fantastic bike ride I wanted to do on Sunday got rained out.
…because I made this for myself:
…because I gave in to my I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T, liberated tendencies and gifted my man some space of his own (and built him a workstation):
[p.s…this post warrants a special shout out to my Mama, for teaching me how to use a drill and level.]
…because we have a workout closet now:
[p.s.s…FOUR basketballs, honey? Really? WHY?]
…because my fingers were so swelled up on Saturday from all of the aforementioned manual labor that trying on wedding bands was very difficult.
…because today, I have nothing worthwhile to say.
I want you to go read Jen’s post today.
I love her, and she always seems to sum up everything I was thinking–in a much more eloquent way.
Go build something today. Despite the swelled hands and glue fumes, it’s really quite rewarding.