I Love Race Training

Sweat-Fest Update

July 20, 2009

With The Boilermaker now officially a piece of history, I am focusing my attention on The Baltimore Marathon. I’m scared, but I’m just going to go with the flow of my training plan. And pray. Lots of praying.

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Weekly Training Update!

June 29, 2009

Another week closer to race day! I’m not nervous. Mostly just excited, and I can’t wait to see my family again.

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Hydrate and Fuel: Partial Success…Kinda.

June 28, 2009

Yesterday’s plan to hydrate and fuel went well for the most part. Except for my 5 hour migraine-induced post-run nap. And the fact that I’ve been OD’ing on Benadryl to combat the allergic reaction that my face had to my sweat. Who said that running is glamorous?

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Operation: Hydrate and Fuel

June 26, 2009

Tomorrow, I will not have a migraine after my 9 mile run. Because I have a plan!

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Where Have I Been?!

June 18, 2009

A long explanation as to why I’ve been a blogging loser for the past (nearly) 7 days. in pictorial format. With words of explanation for those things which cannot be explained with pictures. It’s fun, I promise.

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Weekly Sweat-O-Rama Update

June 8, 2009

As I sit here, whilst sipping my 32 ounces of green deliciousness, I’m reflecting. The burning question of the day is this: does this shit ever get any easier, or will it always be so damn hard?

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June 2, 2009

Just in case anyone was concerned about my Chef Boyardee “meat” stint, I have redeemed myself.

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Updates and Random Venting

June 2, 2009

Life is taking over, but I’m happy to say that my race training is still going great!

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Fartlekkkkkk…S’cuse me.

May 29, 2009

Call me silly, but Fartlek has always been a fun word. Yasso is fun too…but not as fun as Fartlek. Since I am not a seasoned runner, I had no idea what these words meant as they were thrown around my message board, blog, and running group conversations. I have perfected the “smile and nod”, so I can generally pass myself off as if I am in the know. In reality, I’m totally clueless.

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Week 4: Utter Laziness

May 27, 2009

I’m tired and lazy, and I’m hoping that this feeling passes soon.

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